Make Yourself Feel Better Master Post

I always forget things that will make me feel better when I'm in the moment. So here is a list that I will hopefully refer to when I'm feeling down, anxious, worried, nervous, angry, embarrassed, etc. And I aim to continuously grow this list!

  • Everything goes.

The Untethered Soul

  • You’re spinning around on a rock in the middle of space. Does what you’re upset about really matter? Will you care about it next week? Next month? Next year? Will it matter when you’re dead?
  • Nothing is worth closing your heart over.
  • You are not your thoughts.
  • You are not your emotions.
  • You can decide to be happy.

The Four Agreements

  • Don’t take anything personally. Even if someone insults you to your face, it’s not because of you - it’s because of him/herself.
  • Do your best. But realize that your best is always changing. It will be different when you wake up in the morning, refreshed and ready for a new day, versus at the end of a long day. It will be different when you’re sick. When you’re happy or sad. Your best will change every day, every hour, every minute.
  • Humans are the only ones that punish themselves thousands of times for the same mistake. Other creatures only pay once for a mistake. Don’t punish yourself more than once for the same mistake. Don’t punish others over and over again for the same mistake. True justice is paying for something once; injustice is paying for it over and over again.

Stress + Worry

  • Don’t worry about stuff you can’t control.
  • Think about your worst week of sophomore year… If you can survive that week, you can survive anything!
  • Everything seems like the end of the world when you’re going through it.
  • “No good sittin’ worryin’ abou’ it. What’s comin’ will come, an’ we’ll meet it when it does.” - Hagrid
  • Stop worrying about your parents. It makes them feel bad.

Comparisons + Negativity

  • Stop comparing your normal to someone else’s highlights.
  • Everyone has a different journey.
  • Don’t let someone you don’t know/like affect you so negatively.
  • If it is something you have to do anyways, try to do your best with a willing heart.
  • You’re not better than anyone, but no one is better than you. - VPS


  • You win some, you lose some.


  • You’ll probably be able to laugh about it in the future.


  • Cravings and desires are always changing based on your brain and environment. Don’t fall for desires that satisfy short-term goals but don’t fulfill the long-term goals of your true self. For example, having seconds or that extra dessert will satisfy your short-term cravings, but not your long-term health goals; lashing out when you’re feeling angry might make you feel better now, but will make you feel worse later.


  • Take deep breaths. Imagine inhaling positive energy and exhaling all the negative energy.


  • Think about how adorable your mom is. (TODO: add text photos)
  • Think about how adorable your dad is, and that expression on his face when he’s trying to hold back a mischievous smile.