粉蒸排骨 | Steamed Spare Ribs with Rice Powder | Fen Zheng Pai Gu


  • 1 lb spare ribs
  • ping-pong sized ginger, sliced
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon lao gan ma chili oil with black bean
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon shaoxing cooking wine
  • 1 package (~2 ounces) rice steam powder (粉)
  • carrots and potatoes, diced (optional)


  1. Blanch ribs and ginger to get rid of scum.
  2. Combine salt, lao gan ma chili oil with black bean, soy sauce, and shaoxing cooking wine in a bowl. Place blanched ribs in the bowl and mix.
  3. Marinate for 1 hour to overnight.
  4. If using veggies, place veggies at the bottom of the steaming container. Pour the marinade over the veggies and mix.
  5. Coat the ribs with rice powder.
  6. Add the ribs to the steaming container.
  7. Steam for 15 minutes in a pressure cooker, or for 40 minutes over the stove.
  8. Enjoy!

Happy 7 years with BTS! :cake: