Technical Interview Study Guide

WIP: Building a study guide for when I need to start doing tech interviews again.


Big O Notation

  1. Time
    • think about how runtime changes as N gets bigger
    • O(1) - constant
    • O(N) - linear
    • O(logN) - cutting the problem space in half each time (binary search)
    • O(NlogN) - merge sort
    • O(branches^depth) - recursive functions
    • it’s possible for O(N) to run faster than O(1) for specific inputs
    • do this, then when you’re all done, do that - add runtimes
    • do this for each time you do that - multiply runtimes
    • if there are multiple inputs, don’t use N for all of them!
  2. Space

Stack vs. Heap Allocation

  • heap used when amount of memory required is not known in advance
  • known by the compiler at compile time typically goes on the stack; dynamically allocated at runtime - on the heap


  • bit manipulation
  • recursion
  • dynamic programming

Compiled vs. Interpreted Language

  • compiled language - can optimize, makes the code more efficient
  • interpreted - has to go line by line

Data Structures

  • arrays
  • linked lists
  • trees, tries, graphs
  • stacks & queues
  • heaps
  • hashmaps


  • simple implementation: array of linked lists + hash code function
  • O(1) lookup time

Arrays (resizable)

  • O(1) insertion time (amortized)

Array vs. Linked List

  • arrays are good for random access
  • linked lists are good for adding or removing items (array has to resize and copy over), or when you’re not sure how many items will be in the list



  • point out any error checking that you’d do



  • What are your favorite things about working here?
  • How would you describe the company culture?
  • What does a typical day look like for you?
  • What typical meetings would I be expected to attend?
  • What is your expectation for a successful candidate to get up to speed?
  • What did the company do during the 2020 pandemic to help manage and support employees?