Things I Appreciate More after Visiting Hyderabad, India

  • stable electricity
  • blue skies
  • clean tap water
  • low population density
  • pedestrian crosswalks
  • people following traffic rules
  • living somewhere without much honking
  • not having to be super aggressive to make a living
  • mosquito protection
  • living somewhere culturally diverse
  • short commutes
  • wide sidewalks without giant holes

I got to go on a work trip to Hyderabad from January 6-16! It was an eye-opening trip that made me feel very lucky and grateful.

Flight to Hyderabad

The best lamb chops ever at Zega Sheraton Hyderabad

I loved the variety of Indian foods I got to try at the breakfast buffet every morning

Biryani at Paradise

Got super ripped off at Shilparamam (my co-worker said henna is usually 40-50/side but they charged 500), but at least I got to practice saying no when they kept aggressively trying to upsell (:


Chowmahalla Palace

Golconda Fort

Eating in the dark because the restaurant didn’t have electricity (and also had a men-only section)

Barbeque Nation with all our co-workers!

Flight home